Taking the First Step
Hi, how are you? I am not sure who I am saying Hi to but if you are reading my blog, you are very welcome! This is my first ever ever ever post - on any platform! You see I am a little scared to put myself out there, I don’t currently have any social media handles (but will sign up soon!) and didn’t really think I was missing out on anything, and I still don’t. However, life has changed somewhat, and I have promised myself to get out of my comfort zone and do the things that I am fearful of.
I will try to write in real time about my successes, my failures, my feelings, my emotions and everything in between. Is the blog all about me? My honest feeling is that I don’t want it to be, but I don’t really know anything else to write about. You can see now why I need to get out my comfort zone and really live a life! Please don’t misinterpret that I have had a cushioned life, in fact, far from it. I have had my share of downfalls from a very early age, and you will see that from all the stories I will share as I grow in confidence.
I also want to promise you and myself not to use AI as I want this to be an absolute raw, authentic account of what life is. And if I ever did, I will put a disclaimer and provide an explanation why I did so.
You ask: “Why should I read your blog?” To be honest, I don’t truly have an answer to this question. I wish I can tell you there will be some insightful things you will find out, secrets to living happily. Unfortunately, I am on the same path as you, trying to understand the meaning of life, trying to find happiness, trying to achieve my goals and aspirations and be a better person every day. But I fail every day! Yet I do not lose hope. I wake up every day promising myself that I will be a better person, that I will work harder to achieve my goals, that I will conquer my fears, but I know out of 100 things I want to do I fail in 99 of them and sometimes all 100 of them. But that’s ok, because one cannot give up on life. Life is not a destination, it’s a journey. How cheesy! And I have promised myself that I will try to enjoy this journey even during challenging times.
So, if you would like you are so very welcome to join me in this journey. I hope you can relate to it somewhat and who knows where this start of a blog will take us. I have no idea what I am doing. Life is passing by so fast for me to fathom. But at this moment I had enjoyed writing this small piece - I am sure there will be enough literature and grammatical mistakes to put me to shame, but I am not perfect, never will I ever be, and I don’t want to be! Nor should you. We are all just going through our life Living Sukhily!